This page last updated 10/04/2024

The Society for the Study of Ancient Egypt

Membership Application 2023-24 B.pdfMembership Application 2023-24 B.pdfApplication for Membership 2016-2017 v2.pdf

We hope you have found something to interest you while browsing this site.

Why not come along to one of our lectures and meet us.  You will find that we are a friendly and enthusiastic bunch.

If you are thinking of joining our The SSAE there are several categories  of membership available.

  • Family Membership for £39 includes 2 adults and children under 18. It comes with all benefits and trip discounts, access to normal lectures and the Society DVD Library as well a regular Newsletter.

  • Individual Membership for £25 includes all benefits and trip discounts, access to normal lectures and the Society DVD Library as well as a regular Newsletter.

     Membership renewals take place at the Annual General Meeting, sometime in April, although we can always                              accommodate anyone wishing to join part way through the year.

     If you wish to fill in an application form in anticipation, it will be found here

Remember, you don't need membership to 'join' the Chesterfield Egyptology Society, just turn up and pay at the door!!!


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Copyright 2024. Web site designed and maintained by Terry Wilson for The Society for the Study of Ancient Egypt.